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Google’s mobile-friendly update turns up the heat

  • News
  • Published by David Pottrell

If your website isn’t easy to use on mobile, Google will know and it will penalise it by ranking it lower on its mobile search results.

To give webmasters even more of an incentive to offer mobile-friendly pages, Google today have announced that starting in May, it will increase the importance of having a mobile page. Websites that don’t appear mobile-friendly will rank even lower than before.

This announcement comes just under a year after Google started rolling out their first mobile related update. This initial update taught us that in order for a website to be mobile-friendly for users it must be:

“…easily find high-quality and relevant results where text is readable without tapping or zooming, tap targets are spaced appropriately, and the page avoids unplayable content or horizontal scrolling.”

All of this is to ensure that whichever device you’re browser the Internet on, you should be served quality content on a user interface that allows for quick, easy navigation, something we can definitely get behind!


Of course, if you’ve already made your site mobile-friendly, you won’t be impacted by this new update. However, if you do need support with your mobile-friendly site, Google recommends checking out their Mobile-Friendly Test and their Webmaster Mobile Guide, both of which provide guidance on how to improve your mobile site.

If you’re finding yourself like this little guy: (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻ then don’t worry! Get in touch and we can help.

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