News & Insights

We enjoy keeping right up-to-date with all things web design related. We also like to share latest news and client success stories. All of which you can find over on our blog page.

Web Design Showcase July 2016

Good design should be shared so we've put together a list of some of the websites we've came across this month for you to appreciate.

80 Questions to ask when developing a website

So you've just secured a fantastic web design project and you're really excited. Great! Is your code editor open? Close it.

The New SGS Website!

Another website from Peak Design released to the wild! From initial design to development and testing - it's certainly been a fun project and a great learning experience.

Web Design Showcase June 2016

Good design should be shared so we've put together a list of some of the websites we've came across this month for you to appreciate.

Pending Contest

Terms and Conditions of Entry The competition launches on XXXXXXXXX will close on XXXXXXXXXXXXX. All valid entries must be received before the closing date to be counted. The winner will be announced on XXXXXXXXXXXX....

Social Buttons with Icon Fonts

Sharing is important, so make your social media sharing buttons stand out! In this resource tutorial we've created some social media buttons!

Our Charity Skydive

We're sending our best developer, thousands of feet in the air, without WiFi! All in the name of a good cause.

Web Design Showcase May 2016

Good design should be shared so we've put together a list of some of the websites we've came across this month for you to appreciate.

Social Media Channels

Get social: make the most out of your channels

So you've finally set up your social media channels, have started posting, and feel like you're doing well. However, your pages still lack engagement and no one seems to be seeing your stuff? Social...

Web design key terms

Key Terms Every Website Owner Should Know

We've written a short guide about the terms we feel every new or future website owner should be familiar with on the modern web.